The madness that is Build a Bear..
Ava got a gift card from Uncle Randy and Aunt Bethany to Build-a-Bear. I took her today to pick out her new friend, and to also make another bear for our friend Libby. Ava couldn't decide which stuffed animal she wanted; she had about 4 different styles in her hand trying to decide. I chose a pink leopard print cat to make for Libby, and Ava chose, well, the gorilla. Next to Shrek--the ugliest animal they had. Well, we stuffed the animals and then we went off to the madness called the "Dressing Room" where you get to choose what your new friend will wear. Libby's cat got a really cute denim/leopard print skirt and jacket. Ava put a pink ballerina outfit on her gorilla. Let me tell you how awful this gorilla looks. BUT, she loves it. She did take the outfit off "Little Monkey" when we came home.
Today we went to see Libby at the hospital. Ava was really excited to see her and play with her. They played with some play-doo and built a snowman and played catch with a big purple ball. The highlight of Ava's visit with Libby was highjacking her wheelchair and taking it for a spin around the hospital. Poor Michelle had to carry Libby while Ava sat in her chair, BUT Michelle insisted on letting Ava have her way.
And let me say this: I hope I never have to deal with a jerk of a doctor like Michelle has to put up with. My mouth would probably get me kicked out of every hospital in the city. Doctors should be required to have compassion and PEOPLE SKILLS. That's all I have to say about that.