Sunday, March 9, 2008

journal Jar 3/9

The next 5 questions from the jar!!!!!

Question 1:Tell about your favorite aunt or uncle. Were you close? What do you remember most?

Answer: My favorite is Ronald. I liked hanging out with him as a kid because I thought he had a cool car and a pretty girlfriend. He used to babysit us and let me wash the dishes! He told me that I always BEGGED to wash the dishes and I made Daryl dry.

Question 2: Describe your first home as a young couple.

Answer: We moved to Albuquerque right after our honeymoon and lived in an apartment. Typical one bedroom apartment.

Question 3: Did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents? Tell about it.

Answer: I absolutely ADORE my Grandma Berend. She used to take me shopping with her when I was a kid--read my blog about that--she also is the best cook in the world! She makes the best comfort food around. I could write forever why she is so great but only I would be interested in reading it!

Question 4: Did you trick-or-treat on Halloween as a child? Describe your childhood experiences.

Answer: We used to go to town and hit the same streets. Year after year the houses always had the same treats. Like Michael's grandma Schroeder always had popcorn balls. And that crazy old man that lives on a certain street always gave us a nickel. And Connie Steinberger had the best full size candy bars in town. She always lined them up on the table by her door and we could pick anything we wanted. She had every imaginable candy bar on that table. I wonder if she still has the best candy in town??!!! We always went to Grandma Berend's house first and she gave us each a big bag of candy. I remember one Halloween in particular when we all dressed up as clowns with those plastic masks that didn't let you breathe. After we came home I surveyed all the candy that Daryl, Randy and I had and I started bargaining. I gave Randy all my smarties for all his snickers. I gave Daryl all my suckers and hard candy for ALL his chocolate. When my dad found out what was going on I got in SOOO much trouble. HAHA Dumb brothers...

Question 5:Do you have a favorite sport, talent or gift?

Answer: My favorite sports to watch are Mavs basketball, gymnastics during the olympics and competition cheer/dance when it is at Disneyworld.

Bonus question:What were the favorite places to go when you were young?

Answer: Grandma's house, Runaway Bay, Six Flags. Or playing in the trees at Great Grandpa's house. Good times.

Journal Jar

Journal Jar 3/8/08

So here it goes!(I'm drawing a slip of paper with the questions on them from the jar)

Question 1: Describe a typical day in elementary school.

Answer: Typical day in elementary....
-Religion Class
-Class again
-Ride bus home

Question 2:Have you ever sung in a group, a choir or a band? Describe it.

Answer: No

Question 3:How did you like being the oldest, youngest or middle child? What were the advantages or disadvantages?

Answer: I like being the oldest. I don't think it comes with advantages. I think my sister got all the advantages.

Question 4: Describe getting a Christmas tree as a child, when did you put it up and decorate it?

Answer: Sometimes we had real, sometimes we had fake. We put it up whenever my Mom told us to. It was decorated with all those homemade ornaments we made in elementary school.

Question 5: Tell about a trip your family took as an adult that you particularly enjoyed.

Answer: WE went to Port Aransas this past summer for Ava's birthday, and although not everyone got to go, those of us who did go had an amazing time. We had fun on our dolphin tour and building our professional sand castle. Ava had so much fun she is insisting on going back to the beach. The beach is her FAVORITE place!!