Monday, July 7, 2008


Over the last few months one of the best selling products in LNT has been the ped egg. It's this egg shaped grater for your feet. It is gross. I made fun of EVERY SINGLE PERSON who bought this item, including employees. (Get over it. I make fun of lots of guests!! And employees!!) The pictures on the packaging for the ped egg is disgusting. It shows a woman disposing of SO much dead foot skin. It actually looks like she is posing with a bowl of parmasean cheese. NASTY...

Well, today I become an official team member of GO PED EGG!! This thing is awesome. Disgusting, but awesome. The egg retails for 9.99 and is a great investment for the summertime--especially since it will cut down the pedicures to maybe once a month--if that!!

So, if you want fabulous looking feet/heels, get the ped egg. Since I am now a proud owner of Ped Egg I promise not to make fun of you. I cannot, however, promise to not make fun of you for some other reason!!

PS. Ped Egg is sold everywhere, but i prefer the ones sold at LNT.


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

I have seen those ack out and thought they looked pretty laughable myself. Not so much the "grater" idea as I actually have another foot product that looks like a cheese grater. It was more that they made it in the shape of an egg which seemed kind of "gimicky". But, if it works then oh, well. Those heels get so dry and cracked in the summer.

Hughes Family said...

I still can't get myself to buy one. I almost think I should since there are so many!!!

btw... thanks for the comments. We'll be sure to check out Keva Juice. We are riding the Cumbres & Toltec train on Wednesday into Colorado. The kids are pumped!!