Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I received my first ever blog award!! How exciting is that??!!! So...here's the deal: I got this awesome award thanks to GlamRBaby and I have to list 6 interesting facts about myself....SO HERE GOES!!

Six (not so interesting) facts about me:

1. I MUST have a Dt Dr Pepper first thing in the morning or else my entire day starts off bad. On the same note, I do not like talking to anyone first thing in the morning, not until I have swallowed my first gulp of DDP. And the best DDP is from Sonic!

2. I am OBSESSED with Coach purses. I have now started making my family carry Coach bags just so I can feed my addiction.

3. I am a Golf PRO. On the Wii that is.(QUIT JUDGING ME!!!)

4. My all time favorite body wash is actually not a body wash, but VO5 shampoo! I love the way it smells, so fresh and clean, and I get people asking me ALL THE TIME what I am wearing. The best part is VO5 is only $.88 a bottle at WalMart. Very cost effective!

5. I love going to the movies all by myself. I love going to the first showing of the day (in the middle of the week), when no one else is there. I am the only one in the theatre, treating myself to a bag of popcorn and of course the DDP I snuck in! That is the best way for me to get ME time.

6. I get daily updates via text messages on Amazon.com deals of the day. I get LOTS of great savings on all kinds of things there! You should check it out.

Now I nominate 6 people for the award:


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

Thanks for nominating me. I must have a regular DP every morning. Thanks for the V05 tip. My last body wash was from Whole Foods and it was not $.88.

Hughes Family said...

Did you nominate me? What does that mean? Do I have to list 6 things? I'm confused... I'll read again.. :)
BTW.. How is your new job? Where are you working?