Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mom...Mom...Can I tell you a secret?

Mom, I want to wash the dishes ok?


Me: Sure...

Ava: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


glam R baby said...

Seriously...can I hire her??? LOL BTW! Your outfit or her outfit is going out this week!!! She cracks me up!!! I think I know where she gets it from!! ;o) XOXO

Beth said...

Dishes isn't all she does. She sorts dirty laundry by color, puts up folded laundry, washes out her bathroom sink... I could go on...If I could only get her to pick up her toys without a screaming match!! NOW..question is...can she scrub baseboards and mop??? Gosh, I'm awful!

Christy@pipandsqueak said...

That's awesome! Katherine likes to wash the bathroom counter but usually she uses way too much hand soap and ends up with a lot of bubbles. But at least it is clean. Beggers can't be choosers can we?