Thursday, November 27, 2008

ABC’s of Thanksgiving.

Here is a list of things I am thankful for this year.

A - Ant killer. Yes, I am thankful for ant killer. (oh yeah--and Ava.)
B - Becky--the best sister and aunt in the world.
C - Coach Purses!!
D - Diet Dr. Pepper - Because without that I would be a serious "B" in the mornings. And afternoons.
E - my employees. The most loyal group I have ever had.
F - Family - I am thankful they put up with me.
G - Grandma--The one woman I wish I could be more like.
H - Hippo. That little pink stuffed animal purchased at a Grand Canyon gift shop was the best purchase my parents ever made.
I - internet--Without the internet I would never talk to my friends--old and new.
J - John. Goes without saying.
K - my KitchenAid mixer.
L - Laura--she forces me to be thankful and she doesnt even know it.
M - Mom and Dad -if we can be half the parents they are, I am doing good.
N - Norman, as in Susan best friend.
O - Opportunity - The opportunity to start a new job next week.
P - Primrose- The best school ever.
Q - Quick Trip--best gas prices in town.
R - Rock Paper Scissors--the way we solve disputes at our house.
S - Sonic--like you didn't expect that.
T - toll tag--keeps me out of traffic and keeps you from being the subject of my road rage.
U - Upbringing--because after the things I have seen the last few weeks, I realize my parents raised me well.
V - Vacation - I LOVE traveling with my husband. And I can afford to do so.
W - Wii--brings my competitiveness to a whole new level.
X - I am thankful I have not had any xrays this year.
Y - year-end--2008 SUCKED.
Z - Zoo - Fun times with Ava!

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